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It Takes A Village


Recovery isn’t easy, it takes routine, support, and time. These pillars of recovery have been severely impacted by COVID-19. Isolation or the flip side, the lack of personal space, can increase negative feelings and the need to escape. Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous have meetings that allow peers to connect and support each other. Due to the pandemic, these meetings have been moved online and may not have the same impact as speaking to someone in person.

The following are good indicators to be aware of for those in recovery to gauge potential risks and ability to develop a relapse prevention plan:

    • HALT (hungry, angry, lonely, tired)
    • low motivation
    • poor physical health

    An app that may be helpful is I Am Sober a sobriety tacker and community of over 35,000+ peers that understand. This app is a way to build new daily habits and learn from others that are making the same changes and share the same challenges.

    If someone you know needs support, it’s important to contact professionals that can offer compassionate support. You can call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) Hotline. They are always there and can connect you with local resources.

    MBWCF members for more information on addiction and recovery log in to our partner Lifeworks for over 40+ articles on this topic.

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