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Why is Mental Health Important to HR?

Besides the obvious reasons for caring for employees’ well-being, mental health also affects a person’s claim history. A person with poor mental health is more likely to get injured and will take longer to recover. Preventing poor mental health is a great way to help your employees be well and […]

How Do You Know? Don’t Let Stigma Stop the Conversation

Discussions about mental health, its challenges, and its importance are more prevalent than ever. Yet, despite that, the stigma surrounding the issue remains. That’s likely because looking at such a personal topic head-on is hard. But while it may seem more comfortable to keep a “stiff upper lip” and sweep the issue of […]

Safety and Stability

This fact sheet from Mental Health American on safe and stable housing can help you learn what some co-workers may be going through and ways you can help. Safe & Stable Housing Fact Sheet Wherever you call “home,” it should give you feelings of comfort, support, and calmness. If not, […]

Look Around, Look Within

Our society focuses much more on physical health than mental health, but both are equally important. The MBWCF challenges you to look at your world and how different factors can affect your mental health. Take care of your mental health year-round with #FrameofMindFriday posts. During Mental Health Awareness Month we […]

May is Mental Health Month

This month MBWCF will be highlighting some tools for getting back to the basics of mental health! With mental health entering the mainstream, it’s critical that we get the basics right, like maintaining good mental health or recognizing warning signs. Mental Health America’s 2024 Mental Health Month toolkit provides free […]

Are you SAD?

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression related to changing seasons. SAD affects around 5% of adults in the U.S. However, studies indicate that as many as 20% to 40% of people living at approximately the same latitude as Michigan experience some degree of SAD in the winter. […]

Mental Health Month – Where to Go

Mental Health Month – Maintaining Good Mental Health

What plays a role in developing mental health conditions?

  Most mental health conditions don’t have a single cause – they have many possible causes, called risk factors. The more risk factors you have, the more likely you are to develop a mental health condition in your lifetime. Mental health conditions can develop slowly, or symptoms can start to […]

May 19th is Mental Health Action Day!

In partnership with more than 1600 brands, nonprofits, government agencies, and cultural leaders, Michigan Bankers Workers Compensation Fund is proud to be a partner in Mental Health Action Day this Thursday, May 19th. On this day, we will encourage and empower people to take the next step for #MentalHealthAction. Go to to […]