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You Told Your Boss You’re Struggling With Mental Illness?!

There is a stigma of mental illness that keeps people from talking. Even though 20% of Americans struggle with some form of mental illness, less than 50% received treatment. Employees don’t want to talk about it with co-workers and bosses fearing they may lose their jobs, damage relationships, or risk future employers learning of illnesses and judging them.

With 1 in 5 adults experiencing mental illness, this is something we should all be talking about.

Education is the key. Stigma comes from not being educated about the topic. Having managers equipped with knowledge about mental health can improve your workplace. Training helps managers assess the current culture around mental health, as well as workplace conditions that could cause burnout and other issues.

This article by McKinsey & Company is a great place to start Over coming stigma: Three strategies toward better mental health in the workplace

As well as this infographic from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) You Are Not Alone – NAMI
