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Know Where to Go

Do you know the quickest and safest way out of your area in case of emergency? Having a solid plan can help easy panic if an emergency occurs. Make sure to schedule regular training time so that all employees know where to go. Don’t forget this is important onboarding information […]

Should You Hire Neurodiverse Employees?

Neurodiversity covers a broad range of individuals. The incidence of autism in the United States is now 1 in 42 among boys and 1 in 189 among girls, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Consider the following article, “Neurodiversity is a Competitive Advantage” from Harvard Business Review […]

Do You Practice Safe Driving?

Michigan Bankers are getting back on the road! Do you have specific driving policies to keep your drivers safe? The National Safety Council data analysis shows 8 people per day died from distraction-affected crashes in 2018. 96% of people in the U.S. think texting or emailing while driving is a […]

Are you Neurodivergent?

It is estimated that just 59% of people can be considered “Neurotypical” – Dr. Nancy Doyle Accommodations for teammates with visible (dis)abilities may be more obvious, but the key to both visible and invisible (dis)ability accommodations is flexibility. Schedule, environment, feedback, and training flexibility. Small adjustments in these areas can […]

Buckles, Cracks, Chips = Slip, Trips, Falls

Warm weather is creeping in and everyone is ready to get outside. It’s also the time sidewalks decide to buckle, crack, and chip. A quick break to get some fresh air? A walk for lunch? The last thing you want is for someone to get hurt. Falls account for nearly […]

Putting Your Best Foot Forward

It’s always good to be reminded of the basics. You might think of slip and fall injuries as a minor nuisance or, “it will never happen to me”. Think about this, 19,000 deaths happen each year in the U.S. I found this great Safety Toolbox Tip to help promote safety […]

Autism Acceptance Month

This April, in our efforts to spread awareness, promote acceptance and ignite change we will be discussing autism acceptance month and neurodiversity in the workplace. The Autism Society of America, the nation’s oldest grassroots autism organization, is proud to celebrate Autism Acceptance Month in April 2022.   A commonly asked […]

Do You Know Why Humor at Work is Important?

Explore! Have fun! Try new things and remember what it was like to be a kid! Humor at Work Tedx Talk Andrew Tarvin is the world’s first Humor Engineer teaching people how to get better results while having more fun. He combines his background as a project manager at Procter & […]

Happy Spring It’s Severe Weather Awareness Week

A statewide tornado drill will happen today at 1:00 pm ET Whether in an office building or your home office you should have a plan and practice.   Do you know the drill? What the alarm sounds like? Where will you go? What will you do? How will you communicate […]

Benefit of Fun

My top 3 health reasons for having fun Better sleep – having fun and laughing lowers the hormone cortisol and raises the hormone serotonin. Having a proper level of these two hormones can lead to great sleep. Better memory – having fun helps clear headspace and live in the now. […]